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Turning off the moonlight,

Blowing all the clouds,

Stiring up such calm ocean,

It makes me reminds sunshine which used belong to me.


Laying down on soft bed which spreaded things on, I took a deep breath.

What could be so dificult to achieve?

Our dream's fading away..

My love's venishing..

The patience's gone with my life which is day after day.


I know what I want that you can not give me.

I would pursue by myself.


I wish the sunshine comes all the day...



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1. 請簡單敘述你的職業及工作內容?
服務業 sales

2. 希望自己未來另一半從事哪方面的工作?
大老闆 抽雪茄

3. 認為自己有哪些優勢可以吸引異性?
自然不做作 直率

4. 你相信世界上有”一見鍾情”的可能嗎?

5. 你覺得哪裡會是你邂逅愛情的地方?

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